RPE and Motion Appliances Care - Orthodontic Excellence

RPE & Motion Appliances Care

Motion Appliance Care

Congratulations on starting your Motion treatment! We are so excited to see your smile transform. Below we have listed some tips and other things to expect while going through the Motion Appliance.

This appliance helps prevent old fashion head gear and other bulky, uncomfortable appliances. Motion bars are sleek and comfortable in comparison and help correct your bite quickly and efficiently, making the remainder of your treatment go very smoothly.

Excellent elastic wear is critical for the Motion Appliance’s success.

  • Rubber bands are to be worn 20-22 hours per day in addition to the removable retainer and we ask that you refresh the rubber bands 4-5 times per day to ensure they are working to their full potential.
  • If any part of your appliance becomes detached from your tooth please stop wearing the elastics on both sides and call our office during business to be seen.
  • Some discomfort or pain is expected when wearing the elastics, please take some Tylenol to help with discomfort and call us for further advice if needed.
  • PLEASE AVOID any sticky or hard foods such as hard candy and make sure all foods are cut up into smaller bites if possible to avoid breakage.

RPE Care

Congratulations on starting with your Expander treatment! We are so excited for you to start this journey and below we have listed some things that you can expect moving forward with treatment and some things that are expected of you to make sure your expander works properly!

This appliance helps to create room for adult teeth to come in comfortably, alleviates unhealthy crossbites and ensures simple movement moving forward with braces or Invisalign treatment.
The clinician will explain at the delivery appointment how to turn, let you know how many turns to do per day and for how many days.

  • Make sure the separators stay in up until the delivery appointment, if they come out see the instruction sheet below on how to replace or call us about 5 days before the delivery appointment to have them replaced in the office.
  • As you move forward completing the turns, spacing may happen on the front teeth, this is very normal, expected and something that we want to see! Not to worry, we will fix the spaces later with the Invisalign or braces.
  • PLEASE AVOID any sticky or hard foods such as hard candy and make sure all foods are cut up into smaller bites if possible to avoid breakage, loose expanders or things getting stuck between palate and expander.