Problems We Treat | Orthodontic Excellence

Problems We Treat

best orthodontist puyallup wa

Action Plan: Smile!

No matter how simple or complex your orthodontic issue may be, we can handle it!

Narrow Dental Arches

A narrow dental arch occurs when there is not enough room in the jaw for all of the teeth to fit properly. This can lead to crowding, overlapping, and other issues. Patients who have narrow dental arches may experience difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech difficulties. We can help correct a narrow palate by expanding the arches to create more space for the teeth.


Crowding is a common orthodontic issue that occurs when there is not enough space in the jaw for all of the teeth to fit properly. This can lead to overlapping, twisting, and other alignment issues. Patients who have protruding front teeth space that lead to crowding may experience difficulty brushing and flossing in hard-to-reach spaces, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. For kids, they often get an appliance (palatal expander) to make room early to accommodate all their teeth as they grow.


Spacing is the opposite of crowding and occurs when there is too much space between teeth. This can be caused by missing teeth, undersized teeth, or other issues. Patients who have spaced teeth may experience difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech difficulties. Using braces or clear aligners, our orthodontists can move the teeth closer together to prevent gum issues in the long run.

Deepbite/Excessive Overlap of the Front Teeth

A deep bite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth too much. This can lead to wear on the teeth, gum recession, and other issues. Patients who have a deep bite may experience difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech difficulties. Adjusting the position of the teeth with orthodontic treatment can prevent abnormal tooth wear and jaw joint issues.

Openbite/Upper and Lower Teeth Do Not Overlap

An open bite develops when the upper and lower teeth do not overlap properly. This can be caused by habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, as well as other issues. An open bite may cause difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech issues. Hence, correcting such a case helps restore proper chewing and speech.

Crossbite/Upper Teeth Sit Inside the Lower Teeth

A crossbite is a type of dental misalignment that occurs when the upper teeth fit inside or behind the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. It is a form of malocclusion that can affect single teeth or groups of teeth, and can occur in either the front or back of the mouth. A crossbite may also include a protruding tooth. Orthodontics can help prevent tooth damage and misaligned jaw growth..

Overbite/Protruding Teeth

An overbite, also known as protruding teeth or protruded teeth, occurs when the upper front teeth stick out too far over the lower front teeth. This can lead to wear on the teeth, gum recession, and other issues. Patients who have protruding front teeth may experience difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech difficulties. Treatment enhances the appearance of an overbite and protects from the teeth injury.

Underbite Treatment Before After

Underbite/Lower Front Teeth Sit in Front of the Upper Front Teeth

An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth sit in front of the upper front teeth, rather than behind. This can be caused by jaw growth issues or other factors. Similar to most cases, it can lead to difficulty biting and chewing, as well as speech problems. Orthodontic treatment can help restore proper chewing and prevent tooth damage.

Small Lower Jaw/Weak Chin

A small lower jaw, also known as a weak chin, can lead to a variety of orthodontic issues, including bite problems and speech difficulties. Patients who have a small lower jaw may also have difficulty breathing, sleeping, and chewing. Orthodontic treatment can help by using appliances to encourage the growth of the lower jaw. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. Small lower jaws are usually addressed to create a more balanced profile.

Protruding Lower Jaw

A protruding lower jaw can cause bite problems and other issues. But most of the time, a patient with a protruding lower jaw is concerned with the facial asymmetry involved. In order to correct this, orthodontic treatment is necessary. However, more severe cases may require surgical intervention.

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile occurs when too much of the gums show when you smile. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including excessive gum tissue, short upper lip, or an overactive muscle. Patients who have a gummy smile may feel self-conscious about their appearance especially when they smile. However, braces in Puyallup can help address this issue by moving the teeth into proper alignment. In some cases, gum contouring may be needed.

Sleep Apnea Vector Illustration

Sleep Apnea/Snoring-Mouth Breathing

Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing is interrupted during sleep, leading to excessive snoring and daytime fatigue. Mouth breathing can also cause a variety of health issues, including dry mouth, bad breath, and dental problems. Expansion of the upper jaw and procedures that bring the lower jaw forward result in increased air flow and better breathing.

Get Straighter Teeth and a Healthier Smile

Don’t let misaligned teeth affect your confidence and oral health. Orthodontic Excellence is here to help! As the best orthodontist in Bonney Lake and Puyallup, our experienced team can address various misalignment issues and create a customized treatment plan to give you the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve.

Our experienced orthodontists, Dr. Helena Skountrianos, Dr. Bobby Virk, and Dr. Kristy Merriman, use the latest technology and techniques to help our patients achieve the healthy, beautiful smile they deserve.Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a lifetime of confidence and healthy teeth.