Presmult - Orthodontic Excellence - Page 5 of 9

How to maintain proper orthodontic hygiene at home?

One of the vital elements for maintaining optimal oral health is great oral hygiene at home. When you are going under orthodontic treatment, good oral hygiene is even more important, as plaque builds up quicker around brackets, bands, and wires. To prevent gum disease and cavities, you need to clean both your teeth and braces […]


Proper oral hygiene is the first step to the perfect smile

Do you take a good overall care of your smile? How often do you brush and floss? If you do that on a regular basis, you should be proud of yourself, as the Americans who really take good dental care of themselves are not many. In fact, it is less than 30% of U.S. adults, […]


How Can Orthodontic Treatment Transform Your Life?

Are you perfectly happy with your smile? Or are you secretly dreaming about having one of those brilliant straight Hollywood grins, so you can smile whenever you want, without being conscious about your looks? If you are not absolutely confident about your smile, you should know that more than 50% of all Americans share your […]


The most convenient way to transform your smile – Invisalign

Are you perfectly happy with your smile? Or are you one of those 50% of Americans, who are not satisfied with their teeth appearance?  Yes, it is half of our nation that is not happy with their smiles, even though they consider them very important assets and one of the keys to success in life. […]


Fluoride and dental health

Fluoride is natural occurring mineral that can be found in different types of food and water. Every day, fluoride helps the enamel to receive the mineral lost through the demineralization process. The enamel layer, which is the protective layer of your teeth, loses mineral (demineralization) when acids from sugars in the mouth and plaque bacteria […]


How to choose a toothpaste based on your oral needs?

It is that time again when you have to buy new toothpaste. But wait! Do you know which to choose? How can you be sure that the kind of toothpaste you picked up from the shelf is good for your teeth and gums? In this article, you will learn about the types of toothpaste you […]


What are the effects of alcohol on your teeth?

Today, moderate alcohol consumption is considered to be a healthy lifestyle, even though alcohol is not necessarily considered healthy. The mixed reputation of alcohol comes from the short-term and long-term effects it has on the human body and health. In this article, you will learn about the effects of alcohol on your teeth, gums, and […]


Why do children grind their teeth?

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, is a serious condition where the patient clenches the teeth vigorously and moves the jaw. This causes the strong enamel of the teeth to erode, resulting in what is commonly known as tooth erosion. Despite all this, bruxism in children is rather common. In this article, you will learn […]


What is oral thrush and how can a dentist help?

Thrush is the name of a mouth infection caused by the Candida fungus. The Candida fungus lives in many people’s mouths, but if they overgrow, it will cause oral thrush. This condition is a surface infection and could affect the corners of your mouth, the tongue, the roof of your mouth, the inside of the […]


How does tooth whitening in Bellevue works?

You have many options for whitening your teeth, from whitening toothpaste, whitening kits, tooth whitening dental procedures in Bellevue and much more. The whitening techniques work in two ways Bleaching processes, which change the natural color of your teeth and can improve the shade of your teeth from five to seven shades. All bleaches contain […]