Early Orthodontic: What to Expect on Your Child First Visit

What to Expect on Your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit

Are you feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety on your child’s first orthodontic visit? It’s normal for any parent to feel that way. In this quick read, we’ll explain the crucial things every parent and child should know prior to visiting the orthodontist in Puyallup.

Knowing what to expect on your child’s first early orthodontic visit will put ease in both of your minds, and visit the clinic with confidence and enthusiasm. 

When Should My Child Have Their First Early Orthodontic Visit?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, they recommend parents take their children on their first visit before or at the age of seven. During that age, the child will have both baby and permanent teeth, making it possible for the orthodontist to detect any potential concerns even in the early stages.

If your child has not reached the age of seven yet and you observe that something seems to be different with regards to their teeth, then, by all means, you shouldn’t have to wait until they are seven years old just to take them to the orthodontist. If your child is eight years old or above, it’s also not too late to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist.

Reasons Why Your Child Needs an Early Orthodontic Appointment

Before we explain the things you need to prepare for your child’s first trip to the orthodontist, it’s important to remind you why early orthodontic visits are essential. In order to do that, the best way is to evaluate the different symptoms and signs that you or your child’s orthodontist have observed that made you schedule a visit.

Here are the different signs that your child may need an early orthodontic visit to get treatment:

  • Biting and chewing difficulties
  • Thumb sucking after the age of five
  • Teeth are protruding
  • Baby teeth that fell early
  • Baby teeth that erupted late
  • Mouth breathing
  • Snoring
  • Crowded front teeth
  • Jaw shifting to the left or right (Crossbite)
  • Teeth not biting together normally

If any of these signs are evident, early orthodontic treatment for your child can help alleviate these concerns. Additionally, early corrections can support the proper growth and alignment of your child’s permanent teeth. This is why scheduling a visit to the orthodontist early on is crucial.

How to Prepare Your Child for Their First Early Orthodontic Visit

As a parent, you’ve definitely prepared yourself and any questions you want to ask, however, your child may not feel the same way. You need to guide them and inform them of the basics of how the visit will go, even if you may not be familiar with the type of treatment your child will undergo. Focusing on the specific steps of introductions to the end of the visit can put your child’s woes to a minimum because they can anticipate what’s going to happen at the orthodontist. 

Additionally, it’s also a good idea to mention the benefits an orthodontist can offer them, making your child focus on the end result instead of the actual treatment, such as braces or retainers. You can also give your child a reward after the appointment, so they have something to look forward to.

Another thing you can do to help your child and yourself prepare for their first visit for early orthodontics in Puyallup is to remain calm and positive. If you show fear or anxiety, then your child will see that and mirror the same reaction you have. However, if you exhibit enthusiastic behavior, they’re more likely to do the same.

What Happens During My Child’s First Orthodontic Session?

The first time your child sees the orthodontist, you will meet them along with their staff members. After arriving, you and your child will be brought to an area where the orthodontist will execute an exam. They will ensure that your child is seated comfortably on the chair, and the orthodontist may turn on additional lighting to get a better look at your child’s mouth.

The orthodontist will use a small mirror for better viewing of your child’s teeth and to also look at the backs of their upper teeth. Your child will be instructed to bite down so that the orthodontist can assess how the top and bottom teeth are aligned and observe the position of their upper and lower jaw bones.

The first orthodontic session is the best time for them to listen to any concerns or inquiries that you, as the parent, and your child might have. They will give you answers in terms of whether your child needs to undergo orthodontic treatment, when it should begin, and recommend the type of treatment that would work best for your child.

If the orthodontist doesn’t detect any problems, then they may recommend periodic visits in order to keep a close eye on your child’s growth and development and to make sure that their permanent teeth are erupting at the right time and in order.

Early Orthodontic

 What To Expect After Your Child’s First Early Orthodontic Treatment

After the treatment, your child may feel some mild soreness in their mouth for the first few days. Nonetheless, the discomfort typically goes away after a week as their teeth have been accustomed to the braces. Your child will be able to eat and speak better. However, there are certain foods that will be challenging to consume and must be avoided. Here’s a list of them:

  • Corn chips
  • Gum
  • Ice
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Pretzels
  • Hard crackers or cookies
  • Taco shells
  • Sticky food (Candy and chocolate)


Here at Orthodontic Excellence, we want the best outcome for your child, so we make sure that their first trip to the orthodontist will be a comfortable and memorable one. You may contact us for any questions or even to schedule an appointment either at Bonney Lake or Puyallup. What better way to start your child’s dental journey than with us?