How to Clean My Retainers - Orthodontic Excellence

How to Clean My Retainers

This time in the blog, we’ll look at “How to clean my retainers.”

After orthodontic treatment with Invisalign or braces, you’ll have a beautiful, healthy smile. To make sure you keep your smile for a lifetime, you’ll need to wear a retainer. Why?

Invisalign and braces work by gradually shifting the teeth over time. When they reach their ideal positions, they are still prone to moving. However, a retainer prevents a relapse, where your teeth may shift back toward their old positions again.

The Orthodontic Excellence team will discuss how long to wear your retainer. Generally, the “retention” phase after treatment may require 24 months. By wearing your retainer, your smile will continue to look amazing.

Similar to Cleaning Aligners

Retainers, including removable clear plastic or Hawley (acrylic with wire), can be cleaned similar to Invisalign aligners. On the other hand, fixed retainers remain in the mouth and require cleaning similar to braces.

By cleaning your retainers, you can avoid a film of bacteria and yeast that can contribute to periodontal disease and tooth decay. Also, you can avoid bad breath if you know “how to clean my retainers.”

Remember: If you lose or damage your retainer, please get in touch with your orthodontist right away. Orthodontic Excellence will help you replace your retainer as soon as possible. 

Keep Your Retainer and Case Away from Heat

First, it’s important to remember to keep your retainer and case away from anything hot.

Removable retainers can warp if exposed to heat. So, you will need to avoid cleaning them with hot water or drinking a hot beverage with your retainer in your mouth. Always, keep your retainer away from hot surfaces, such as a car dashboard or direct sun. Likewise, never put a retainer in a dishwasher or microwave.

What You Will Need 

Here is what you’ll need:

  • A soft toothbrush reserved for cleaning your retainer
  • Tap water access to rinse your retainer
  • Clear liquid soap (or toothpaste) 

If possible, you may also want to invest in:

  • A travel-sized soft toothbrush
  • Travel-size bottle of clear liquid soap

Then, while you are on the go, you can use your travel-sized items to clean your retainer when you get the chance.

How to Clean My Retainers

Whenever it’s time to brush your teeth, you’ll take out your retainer. Using the soft toothbrush, gently brush all surfaces with a bit of clear liquid soap. 

We suggest avoiding soaps that contain fragrances or dyes, which may discolor your retainer. However, antibacterial clear liquid soap is a good idea to help remove buildup.

Then, rinse with ordinary cool or lukewarm tap water. 

Many times, people will use toothpaste to clean their retainers. However, it is more abrasive and may scuff up the surfaces over time.

Retainer Cleaning Products 

Products sold specifically for cleaning retainers are gentle and non-abrasive. So, these are preferable to denture cleaners. 

Orthodontic Excellence will be happy to recommend a retainer cleaning product at your appointment. Or, contact us anytime with questions.

Generally, you’ll only need to soak your retainer for 5-10 minutes. Thus, you can rinse off your clean retainer and begin wearing it again as soon as possible.

Dilute Mouthwash Solution

If you need to soak your retainer but have no products on hand, Healthline suggests a half-water, half-mouthwash solution. Notably, you’ll want to avoid mouthwash containing alcohol, which may damage retainers or aligners.

A Retainer Case

Your retainer case is the best place for your retainer whenever you take it out. 

Your retainer case:

  • Helps to keep your retainer clean
  • Protects the retainer from damage
  • Keeps curious pets from using it as a chew toy (!)

Sometimes, people lose their retainers when they sit it on a napkin at meals. By getting in the habit of always using your case, you will be much less likely to lose or damage it. Then, you can avoid the need for a costly replacement.

 Every day, rinse your retainer case with warm, soapy water and pat it dry with a towel.

Permanent Retainers

For those with a fixed, permanent retainer, it will be similar to cleaning braces. Using a floss threader, you will insert the floss between your teeth and the retainer wire. Then, with a gentle motion, you’ll work the floss around each tooth and the wire.

As always, we will discuss our cleaning recommendations at your appointment. 

We hope this information about “How to clean my retainers” is helpful. Orthodontic Excellence will be happy to discuss cleaning and the products we recommend with you at your appointment. Or, contact us anytime with questions.

For questions, feel free to call us at (253) 845-6784 in Puyallup and (253) 336-0244 in Bonney Lake.

Orthodontic Excellence is your best choice for Invisalign and orthodontic care in the Tacoma, Summit, Puyallup, and North Puyallup, WA, areas. Now, visit us at our new Bonney Lake location!

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