Invisalign for Kids - Puyallup & Bonney Lake | Orthodontic Excellence

Can Kids Get Invisalign Too?

Invisalign for Kids in Puyallup and Bonney Lake

We are often asked, “Do you offer Invisalign for kids, too?” The answer is “Yes, Invisalign First clear aligners are safe for pre-teens in phase 1 treatment!”  We often find that many kids and teens these days are very responsible when it comes to wearing their aligners. In many cases, our younger patients are far more compliant than our adult patients when it comes to wearing their aligners!

Invisalign is Quite Popular:

What is the relevance of this? Simple. Your teen will be more devoted to finishing their orthodontic treatment if they know how much they are going to love their smile!

Orthodontic Treatment isn’t a quick fix. Your teen must remember to wear their Invisalign, attend appointments, and maintain their oral hygiene. This requires a bit of education, training, support, and dedication.

Schedule an appointment with our orthodontic office if you’re unsure if Invisalign is correct for your adolescent. Because the aligners are removable, patients must pay attention to where they position them and maintain excellent oral hygiene.

Wear Your Aligners for Approximately 22 Hours Each Day: 

Invisalign uses a set of transparent aligners that resemble complete plastic retainers to straighten teeth. These aligners are completely detachable and may be taken out anytime the patient eats or brushes their teeth.

Teens can remove their aligners for band or sports practice since they can be aligner-free for the last several hours each day. Teens can enjoy their daily routine without interruption because the ease may remove removed.

Traditional braces  that are bonded to the teeth do not provide the same degree of convenience when it comes to eating and oral hygiene as Invisalign.

Replacement Aligners:

Invisalign for Kids – Orthodontic Excellence at Puyallup Bonney Lake

Even the most conscientious person can misplace an aligner from time to time. One of the most prevalent fears we hear from our patients at Orthodontic Excellence is that their adolescent may lose an aligner. If this occurs, we recommend contacting us and we’ll be able to come up with an easy remedy.

Spending Less Time at the Orthodontist Office:

 If you reside in the region and want a quick way to straighten your teeth, this is the place to go. Metal braces only move teeth when the cables are replaced or altered, and therefore this is the case. Most parents will find this inconvenient since it requires them to take time off from school while you work.

Your kid will only need to visit our Invisalign Teen in Bonney Lake once every four to six weeks for Invisalign treatment.

We’ll make sure their treatments go as planned, but they’ll be able to change out their Invisalign at home. As a consequence, your everyday routine will have fewer disruptions.

Invisalign is Easy to Maintain:

Our team will demonstrate how to clean the Invisalign clear aligners with you and your children. Invisalign aligners are removed while brushing and flossing, and should be cleaned with lukewarm water and a gentle toothbrush. Hot water may warp the plastic, so it is not recommended. Toothpaste is also not recommended for cleaning the aligners since it is abrasive and may cause scratches. Scratches make the aligners harder to clean and also may reduce the clarity of the aligners.

Invisalign Makes Sports Easier

Whether your children play soccer, basketball, football, lacrosse, or any other physical activity, sports can result in oral injuries — braces or no braces. However, since Invisalign is removable and doesn’t have any metal brackets or wires, its easier to wear a regular mouth guard. If your child happens to be playing sports without a mouth guard, the risk of injury to the lips, gums, and cheeks is increased while wearing braces.

Let’s Get Started with Invisalign for Your Child

Since they’ve been a toddler, you’ve undoubtedly been counseling your children about cavities and proper oral care.  If it’s time for your child to get started with orthodontic treatment, Invisalign will help your child keep the same oral hygiene habits that they’ve had all along.