Invisalign Teen Near Me - Orthodontic Excellence

Invisalign Teen Near Me

Why make orthodontic treatment worse than it needs to be? With Invisalign Teen, your child is able to continue enjoying all of their favorite foods as well as participating in the sports and activities they love. Our team at Orthodontic Excellence is here to provide Invisalign in Puyallup WA to patients of all ages.

What Is Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen is a clear, removable aligner system that provides a nearly invisible way of straightening teeth using custom-made aligners. These clear aligners eliminate the use of wires, brackets, and bands that are necessary with traditional braces.

How Long Does Treatment Last?

At Orthodontic Excellence, we understand that every smile is unique, which is why we create personalized treatment plans for each of our patients. As a result, treatment time for varies from patient to patient, depending on the severity of issues to be treated.

What’s The Difference Between Invisalign For Adults And Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign and Invisalign Teen are basically the same, besides a small feature intended specifically for a teen’s lifestyle. Invisalign Teen aligners have a small blue dot that will fade away if the aligners are worn for 20-22 hours a day as prescribed. If the blue dot is still visible, this makes a Puyallup orthodontist aware that the teen needs to be more disciplined with their treatment.

Why Choose Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen Near Me Puyallup WaTeenagers can have a lot to worry about, between school, sports, and their social lives, finding out they need braces can become an additional source of stress. As a result, Invisalign Teen was designed to provide the same results as traditional braces without affecting appearances or restricting diets.



What If An Aligner Gets Lost Or Damaged?

The average teen is always busy and on the move, so it is expected that an aligner may get lost or damaged during treatment. This is why Invisalign Teen includes replacement aligners, to ensure that the desired progress remains on schedule. Remember,clear aligners only works when being worn so discipline and responsibility are keys to successful results.

Finding Invisalign Teen In Puyallup WA

In conclusion, our team at Orthodontic Excellence are experts in orthodontic treatment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding Invisalign or Invisalign Teen in Puyallup WA and North Puyallup WA. Contact Orthodontic Excellence to schedule a complimentary consultation today. Call now (253) 845-6784.