How Invisalign Treatment Can Changed My Life

How Invisalign Treatment for Straight Teeth Changed My Life

Growing up, I had always been aware of my crooked teeth. In the past, I had felt too self-conscious to do anything about it but after years of living with misaligned teeth, I finally decided to take action and get Invisalign treatment. Lo and behold, getting Invisalign for adults in Bonney Lake proved to be the perfect solution for my crooked teeth!

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic system that uses a series of clear aligners to gradually straighten your teeth over time. After researching Invisalign and consulting with an orthodontist in Bonney Lake, I started my journey toward a straighter smile with clear plastic aligner trays. I am happy to share with you how Invisalign treatment has changed my life!

Consulting My Orthodontist

I had always known that many people go for braces to correct their crooked teeth, but Invisalign was a game-changer. In the past, I had been apprehensive about the idea of wearing metal braces for a long period of time. When my orthodontist performed an evaluation and mentioned that Invisalign is an option for my case, I was thrilled.

Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth without the need for metal braces, permanently bonded brackets, and wires. In addition, Invisalign aligners are made of a smooth, comfortable plastic material. In terms of aesthetics, Invisalign is virtually invisible and can easily be removed while eating, brushing, or flossing.

My Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Treatment

Once I decided to go ahead with Invisalign, my orthodontist obtained my teeth impressions using a digital scanner that they used to create a 3-D model of my teeth. From there, my impressions are sent to the Invisalign lab to place an order for Invisalign aligners.

After about four weeks, my orthodontist called me to say that the first set of trays are ready, and I’m scheduled for fitting. With a few tries, we were able to fit my Invisalign aligners well. To be honest, it wasn’t as smooth as I’d expected it to be, but that was normal! Aligners are supposed to feel uncomfortable, but only at first.

First Few Days

I started my treatment plan which consisted of 18 trays. During the first few days, I was struggling! But I promise you, it gets better eventually. I found it hard to put them in and out since they are supposed to administer some level of movement.

I trained myself to put them in and out during the first few days. Especially when I’m outside, I needed to be extra careful not to damage or lose my Invisalign trays. As days go by, I found my rhythm and Invisalign finally started to feel like a part of my routine. In no time, I forgot that I was even wearing Invisalign trays!

Orthodontic Visits

Invisalign Treatment For Adults In Bonney Lake

My orthodontist created a regular schedule to see me and check on my Invisalign treatment progress every four to six weeks. At each Invisalign checkup, my orthodontist would assess if the Invisalign trays were properly fitting and review my Invisalign progress. In addition, I would receive my next set of aligners to continue my Invisalign treatment.

I can’t stress enough how much you need to keep your aligners safe! It would take two weeks for Invisalign to make a replacement Invisalign tray in case I lose one. My orthodontist mentioned that I’d be stuck at my last set while waiting for a replacement set. Good thing I have a case with me whenever I put them out to eat and brush.

Eating, Drinking, Brushing, and Flossing

You may have known by now that aligner trays need to be worn 22 hours per day in order to achieve the desired results. This means that you have two hours within the day that you can split for meals, snacks, and oral hygiene routine. For instance, I tried my best during the first few days to set a timer, so I was able to take my meals appropriately.

Eventually, I don’t need to set a timer anymore as I have already developed a routine. In addition, the Invisalign treatment gave me the freedom to enjoy my favorite drinks such as coffee and tea with no restrictions. What I do is keep my oral hygiene kit with me at all times. If I’m not able to brush after eating, I simply rinse with mouthwash and place my Invisalign aligners back.

Final Result: My Invisalign for Adults in Bonney Lake


My Invisalign treatment lasted for about 10 months, and I’m glad about the final result. With Invisalign, I am up for a lifetime of retention support from my orthodontist, so I didn’t have to worry about that. Overall, Invisalign is definitely worth it!

The cost, effort, and time I put into Invisalign treatment were all worth it! In addition to the aesthetic outcome, I found that Invisalign saved me money and time compared to other traditional treatments. I was also able to achieve straighter teeth without most people knowing!

With a little routine and getting-used-to, my Invisalign treatment becomes smooth sailing and successful. Thanks to my orthodontist and their lovely staff, Invisalign was able to give me my dream smile. In the end, Invisalign is such a great investment for me and I’m so glad that I decided to take the chance!

To adults who are thinking of starting Invisalign treatment, don’t hesitate! It is a great way to correct any unaligned teeth and bite issues. My teeth have never been this straight and healthy, and I’m confident to show my smile now more than ever! Contact Orthodontic Excellence to book an appointment.